SUPORT SRL with its registered office in village Plesesti, commune Berca, Buzau county, with Unique Registration Code 16313900, order number in the trade register J10/327/2004.

Here you will find all the necessary information about what we do with your data.

You can always write to us at the email address [email protected] to find out more information about your data.

What data do we collect from you?

Contact data (name, surname, email, phone number).

Financial data (if you make a purchase from us).

Other data that identifies you (cookies and information from server traffic).

What is server traffic information?

When you visit a website, you reveal certain information: IP address, time of visit, the website you came from when you accessed our website, etc., like other websites, records this information in order to be able to customize its content, to be able to protect itself from external attacks directed against its technological capabilities or to track, over time, the traffic registered on the website and the pages most accessed by its readers, in order to improve the content of the website.

What do we do with the data we collect?

In general, we use your data to respond to requests, to send payment documents or contracts.

To inform you about the updates made for the WordPress platform and the possible security measures applied.

What is the reason we collect them?

In the case of contact data, we rely on your legitimate interest, which results from the request made to us.

For financial data, we have a legal obligation to process this data for you when you make a purchase from us.

How long do we store the data?

If we only answered your request without a contract between us, your data will be stored for 6 months.

If we have signed a contract, we store your data for the period of validity of the contract, as well as a period after (the mandatory legal period) necessary to prove the contract.

If you have paid us, the financial data must be kept for a period of at least 10 years.

Who else has access to your data?

We may disclose your personal data (described above) under the following conditions:

you expressly request this from us or expressly authorize the disclosure;

the information is provided to comply with the law (for example, to comply with a search warrant, subpoena, or court order), enforce an agreement we have with you, or protect our rights, property, or safety, or the rights, property, or safety of our employees or others;

the information is provided to our agents, suppliers or service providers who perform functions on our behalf;

if we are talking about dealing with emergencies or cases of force majeure or if disclosure is necessary to resolve disputes, claims or persons who have a legal or beneficial interest.

What rights do you have?

You can request a copy of all the personal data collected by us at [email protected], as well as if you want us to send you information about the personal data collected from you.

You can ask us at [email protected] to update the personal data collected from you.

You can request the deletion of the personal data collected from you at [email protected].

We will try to respond to your request within 30 days. However, the deadline can be extended depending on various aspects, such as the complexity of the request, the large number of requests received or the impossibility of identifying yourself within a useful period.

If, despite our best efforts, we are unable to identify you and you do not provide us with additional information to identify you, we are under no obligation to comply with the request.

You can also consult the Cookies Policy.